



case study: usability for a new calling feature (facebook messenger)

This is purposefully ambiguous because I’m under an NDA. Previous research I completed led the product team in the direction of prioritizing and developing a new feature to be used during a video call. We wanted to ensure the feature is discoverable, usable, and doesn’t interfere with any existing, critical task flows.


Case study: consumers’ mental models of their old pcs (Intel)

I led 2 diary studies to test a hypothesis that people keep their old computers because of emotional value. The research supported sustainability work and contributed to a workshop at ACM DIS 2020.


Georgia Tech, master’s project (2017)

Inspired to make use of smart city data for the citizen, I interviewed runners at Atlanta Track Club to identify problems around route planning and design potential solutions using the data. Unfortunately, I didn’t have the opportunity to pitch my designs to Strava, but they implemented some of them in 2022.


Intel, internship (2016)

link: News article

In the New Devices Group, I worked with design, research, and engineers to guide the development of a mobile app connected to a sports garment equipped with sensors.


Digital humanities lab (2016)

link: Project and published papers

As a graduate research assistant, I was the lead designer in the lab. I translated a historic history charing method into a digital tool by brainstorming, designing, and implementing new interactions.


Data Science for social good (2015)

link: News article

I worked with a team of 3 other students, faculty, a non-profit, and the City of Atlanta to create a web application to support the conservation of trees. Specifically, I wrangled data and created maps in ArcGIS, designed the app, and designed and built a public-facing webpage with Bootstrap.


Drones for Foraging (2014)

link: Core77 Speculative Student Notable

I conducted design research on DIY drones for the use of fruit foraging. I wrote user scenarios, brainstormed potential UI designs with Balsamiq, and visualized fruit data with d3.js.